BIDAAI was an Indian soap drama that aired from October 2007 to November 2010 on STAR Plus channel, every Monday to Friday. In Hindi the word bidaai means farewell. It is also the name of a wedding ritual which marks the departure of the bride from her parental home. The theme of the show explores the connotations of this word. The show's title invokes the poignant emotions of a bride's father or guardian (baabul) when his beloved daughter or ward gets married and departs for her husband's house. The father's (or guardian's) joy and relief at seeing the girl well-established are mixed with sorrow and anxiety at being separated from her. The show narrates the story of a father, his two daughters, and the immense love they have for each other. It also highlights the negative consequences of a widespread tendency among Indians to favour fair skin against dark, especially when choosing brides for their families. Ragini and Sadhana are two sisters whose lives go through much turmoil because of the colour bias prevailing in Indian society.